A closer encounters with elephants and defassa waterbuck at Kidepo Game Reserve is a common phenomena Contiguous with the famous Kidepo National Park in Uganda across the border, it’s a sea of greenery that extends for more than 1,200 square kilometers across the savannah grasslands and gallery woods of the region.
Off-the-beaten-track to Southern National Park Covering close to 7,800 square kilometers of land in the very heart of South Sudan, the seemingly endless swathes of patchwork woodlands and grassy savannah that form the Southern National Park, are amongst the largest protected game areas in the nation. At Southern National park, lion, the colobus monkey, bush […]
The domed Catholic cathedral in Wau dates from 1913 and is a symbol of the important role that Christian missionaries have played in developing the country since the late 19th century. It is one of the largest churches in Sudan and has some attractive stone carving as well as a stained-glass window. South Sudan’s second […]
The Mundari Tribe: The Mundari live to the north of Juba, centered around the small settlement of Terekeka. The Mundari people are farmers, living from herding and agriculture they live in small villages and follow a largely traditional lifestyle. They have a strong cultural believes, where the young men and women are marked with a […]
The Lotuko Tribe: The Lotuko are the main ethnic group living around Torit, the capital of Eastern Equatoria State. Although less traditional than some other groups, many of the Lotuko live in villages nestled in the hills and hidden among the rocks, which they moved to in order to escape the predations of the civil […]
The Shilluk Tribe: The Shilluk are responsible for establishing the Shilluk Kingdom which ruled between 1490 and 1865. The Shilluk King was regarded as divine but is now traditional chieftain operating in both Sudan and the South Sudan region of the Upper Nile. The majority of the Shilluk are Christian converts. The Shilluk also controls […]