+251911681100 southsudantours@gmail.com



The Mundari Tribe

The Mundari Tribe: The Mundari live to the north of Juba, centered around the small settlement of Terekeka. The Mundari people are farmers, living from herding and agriculture they live in small villages and follow a largely traditional lifestyle. They have a strong cultural believes, where the young men and women are marked with a […]

The Boya

The Boya Tribe: The Boya people live east of the town of Torit, centered around a small and rather ramshackle settlement with the unpoetic name of Camp 15. Living in pretty villages in the shadow of mountains and gigantic boulders, the Boya paint their houses in attractive patterns and adorn themselves with intricate beadwork. Although […]

The Otuho Tribe

The Otuho Tribe: The Otuho are part of Sudan’s Nilotic group that are pastoralists situated in the Eastern Equatorial where they settled in the 1800’s. The Otuho speak the Otuho language and have strong beliefs based on nature and ancestral worship. The community holds the land in trust for no particular one in authority. However, […]
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